Alcaro, Riccardo, Pol Bargués, Hylke Dijkstra and Zachary Paikin (2022) A Joined-Up Union, a Stronger Europe. A Conceptual Framework to Investigate EU Foreign and Security Policy in a Complex and Contested World JOINT Research Papers No. 8 (March, revised August). Access.
Bargués, Pol (2022) The EU Strategic Compass: A Blueprint for a European Defensive and Securitisation Policy JOINT Brief 16, May. Access.
Macchiarini Crosson, Dylan, Pol Bargués, Zachary Paikin and Steven Blockmans (2022) Multi-Layered Actions? Sustaining Partnerships in the EU Integrated Approach to Conflicts and Crises. JOINT Research Papers No. 7 (January). Access.
Bargués, Pol (2021) From ‘Resilience’ to Strategic Autonomy: A Shift in the Implementation of the Global Strategy? EU-LISTCO Policy Paper 9. Access.
Bargués, Pol (2020) Resilience and the EU’s external action instruments. Towards multiple, sustained, and indirect actions EU-LISTCO Working Paper 7. Access.